That was the problem – thank you for your help!!  I simply used /dev/sdb 
instead of /dev/sdb1 and everything worked perfectly.

From: Anon Lister []
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:25 PM
To: Mann, John - 0662 - MITLL <>
Cc: usrp-users <>
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Problem burning image to SD card for E312

You want the raw block device /dev/sdb,  not the partition /dev/sdb1, no? Could 
that be it?

On Nov 16, 2017 5:28 PM, "Mann, John - 0662 - MITLL via USRP-users" 
<<>> wrote:
I tried issuing a sync command after the dd command - no help.

I also tried using bmaptool to burn the image.  It still doesn’t work.  And it 
still took around 10 minutes - no faster than dd.

Both commands finish without any error messages.

The image file's md5 checksum is correct, so the image did not get corrupted 
during the download.

I have even tried 2 different SD cards.

I'm running out of ideas... should I try a different host computer?  Any way to 
do this from Windows 7 or Windows 10?

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Balister [<>]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:43 PM
To: Anon Lister <<>>
Cc: Mann, John - 0662 - MITLL <<>>; 
usrp-users <<>>
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Problem burning image to SD card for E312

On 11/16/2017 04:37 PM, Anon Lister wrote:
> Make sure to run sync after to dd.

Interesting, I thought dd would run below the buffer cache layer.

> Also curious as to reason for the recommendation against dd?

bmaptool is faster. bmaptool also checks to see if the device has a mounted 
file system, so prevent you form overwriting something like /dev/sda. 
Basically, safer and faster.


> On Nov 16, 2017 12:35 PM, "Philip Balister via USRP-users" <
><>> wrote:
>> Try bmaptool. dd is a bad idea, yeah I killed my hard drive once.
>> The might even be package with Ubuntu. After writing, re-insert the
>> card in the writer and see if it mounts the partitions.
>> Philip
>> On 11/16/2017 10:54 AM, Mann, John - 0662 - MITLL via USRP-users wrote:
>>> Running Ubuntu 16 on my host computer...
>>> I downloaded the image from:
>> e3xx-sg3/
>> 4/ettus-e3xx-sg3/
>>> Then I decompressed the xz file using xzdec:
>>> xzdec >>
>>> And burned the sd image using the dd command:
>>> sudo dd of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M
>>> The dd command apparently finishes without error after about 10
>>> minutes,
>> and I can see flashing lights on the SD card USB adapter, so I'm
>> pretty sure it is getting written to the correct place.
>>> But the card does not work in the E312.  When I turn it on, the 4
>>> LEDs
>> next to the Tx/Rx ports light up, but there is no activity on the
>> console window.  I have another SD card that boots up fine, so I know
>> the E312 is fine.  There is clearly something wrong with the SD card.
>> When I plug the old working card into my Ubuntu host machine, I can
>> actually see the files on the card.  When I plug the newly burned
>> card back into the Ubuntu machine, I see nothing.
>>> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
>>> John Mann
>>> MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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