Hi Mike,
Unfortunately what you write is not what I see. Split stream has 1 input and 2 
outputs and that works. What I am saying is that the opposite doesn't. This 
seems to be due to the fact that for some reason blocks feeding second input 
are not started if block does not have a second port.
With the same block, even without adding code for a second output but just 
adding the fake output to the block descriptors made it work...
I'm sure there's a bug somewhere in uhd or gr-ettus as he is fine.
Best regards,

Dario Pennisi

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 9:32 PM +0200, "Michael West" 
<michael.w...@ettus.com<mailto:michael.w...@ettus.com>> wrote:

Hi Dario,

A block can have any number of inputs and outputs, so 2 inputs and 1 output is 
fine.  The Split Stream block is an example of an asymmetric block.

The UHD XML description of the Split Stream block can be found here:  
The GnuRadio XML description of the Split Stream block can be found here:  

Hopefully, those examples will help.

As far as the multiple ports at 200 Msps on a single block, it is a known 
issue.  The bus clock would need to be raised to the CE clock of 214.286 MHz to 
allow 2 ports to operate at 200 Msps in one block, but doing that causes the 
FPGA build to fail timing.  As far as a workaround or trick, there is a way 
where you can hack up the core FPGA code and make a single module with 2 
noc_shells connected to separate crossbar ports in the x300_core code, but that 
is a bit more involved.  If you are daring and curious, look at the way 
noc_block_axi_dma_fifo and noc_block_radio_core blocks are instantiated and 
connected to the crossbar in 


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:57 PM, Dario Pennisi via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
I am still struggling with a block which should have 2 inputs and 1 output. 
Apparently everything is fine with both FPGA and software but the second input 
is not fed with data.
I could not find any example of an asymmetric block with different number of 
inputs/outputs so I am starting to suspect this is not supported. Can anyone 
tell me if this is the case and I need to add a dummy output?

Also, when defining block I see that in the xml there is the possibility to 
specify nports parameter so that a single port definition provides more than 
one port. If i set nports=2 for the input I am not sure how to define the 
gnuradio xml descriptor and If I just describe two ports as usual block will 
not initialize properly.

Finally, I understand that system clock rate on AXI bus is 166 MHz and since 
NOC ports are 64 bits, on X310 a single block should not be able to process two 
input streams at 200 MSPS.
Even raising AXI bus clock to 200 MHz would fail as but would still not provide 
sufficient overhead for packet headers.
Is there any suggested trick to handle this situation? Is it eventually 
possible to have a single rfnoc block connect to two AXI ports rather than just 


Dario Pennisi

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