Hi Ivan, 

>         freq = 450e6
>         print (freq)
>         band = 30e6
>         usrp = lib.usrp.multi_usrp(" ")
>         st_args = lib.usrp.stream_args("fc32", "sc8")
>         streamer = usrp.get_tx_stream(st_args)
>         usrp.set_tx_rate(band, 0)
>         usrp.set_tx_freq(lib.types.tune_request(freq), 0)
>         usrp.set_tx_gain(40, 0)
>         st_args.channels = [0]
>         metadata = lib.types.tx_metadata()
>         metadata.start_of_burst = True
>         metadata.end_of_burst=False
>         metadata.time_spec = lib.types.time_spec(1)
>         data = np.array(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 4096), dtype=np.complex64)
>         # QtCore.QObject.connect(window.gener)
>         while True:
>             streamer.send(data, metadata)
>             metadata.time_spec = lib.types.time_spec(0)
>             #metadata.has_time_spec=False
>             #if window.gener.isChecked() == True:

From the this pieco of Code I see you are trying to transmit with a rate
of 30MS with a buffer size of 4096 items each. Your code is also pretty
stripped down. You could try to move the metadata creation in front of
the loop, memory allocation in a tight send loop could result in a
performance loss.

Other than that the code looks good. Sending data in bigger chunks would
certainly improve the performance.

Andrej Rode
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