You'll need an antenna that works for exactly the band that you want to
observe, but if you happen to have one, you can receive a known  signal.
For example, if you're in possession of a 900 MHz band antenna, you
might look for 2G signals.
If you have an antenna that works around 100 MHz, look for broadcast FM

For TX it's a bit harder, because you really shouldn't be transmitting
without checking your local laws. But the idea is the same: make a
signal that you have a device that can pick that up – for example, build
an FM transmitter, or a DRM transmitter, and tune your radio to that
frequency. Again, check local legislation.

As a tool that contains everything you need on a software side to get
started, I do recommend you start with a live bootable USB drive. Less
There's one from the GNU Radio community[1] that comes with all the USRP
drivers (UHD) that you'll need, and example applications. If you plan to
use GNU Radio further on, read the tutorials[2].

Best regards,

On 15 September 2017 3:27:39 AM GMT-07:00, Rensi Mathew via USRP-users
<> wrote:

    Hi all

    I have a single B200 with me and I want to test whether it is
    receiving/transmitting the signal properly.
    How can i test this?

    I am new to B200/SDRs and to programming too?

    Thanking you

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