​Hello -

I'm attempting to use my N210 in a somewhat unconventional application that
requires a pure (real) sine wave output, with some frequency modulation
around 50MHz. This signal will be used to resonate a physical device within
a small band around 50MHz.

H​owever, I'm finding when the center frequency is set to 50MHz, and I
monitor the resulting waveform on an oscilloscope, I get a 50MHz tone that
is slowly amplitude modulated (within a ~0.1 Hz envelope). This behavior
does not occur when I set the center frequency to 0Hz, and feed in an
arbitrary intermediate frequency... Unfortunately, I cannot use this
technique to achieve a 50MHz output frequency due to bandwidth limitations.

I suspect the LO is getting set such that there is some time-variant phase
offset being introduced (rounding error?), but am unfamiliar with the
internals of the device.

Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated - I would like the RF output to
simply resemble that of a signal generator at 50MHz.

Thanks in advance,
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