
Thank you for all your opinions and consideration. I appreciate it.

To summarize,
- Drop Java 8
- Drop Spark 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and make 3.5 as default
- Drop outdated Flink
- Support JDK 17 and Spark 4.x
- Drop/replace outdated codes/libraries like Raft and docker-client
- Introduce new UI
- Prefer 0.12 :-)

It should be good to have it all in the next release but we prioritize
getting feedback for the new UI and I hope this is the major change
for the next release. We can have a new release soon again.

Best regards,

2024년 9월 12일 (목) 오후 10:33, Philipp Dallig <philipp.dal...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
> Hello,
> Thank you for preparing a new version. We should get rid of Java 8 as soon as 
> possible. There are several libraries that cannot be updated because of Java 
> 8. I tend to prefer to switch directly to JDK17. This is supported by Spark 
> 3.5, for example. Unfortunately, Hadoop 3 does not work with JDK 17.  
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HADOOP/Hadoop+Java+Versions
> Please keep in mind that Java 8 has a much longer support area than 11.
> Most Linux distributions use openjdk and some people need to do the backport 
> process. RedHat as a contributor is dropping support for JDK 11 next month. 
> https://endoflife.date/redhat-build-of-openjdk
> Other companies like Microsoft seem to support OpenJDK 11 longer. 
> https://endoflife.date/microsoft-build-of-openjdk
> I have seen the pull request with Docker examples. But I don't know if we 
> should focus on Zeppelin in Docker. The current implementation should also be 
> improved. The following start command doesn't look so good ... 
> https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/blob/940cf13935ec9ed989c7afeec98447c2e7eb5a7e/zeppelin-plugins/launcher/docker/src/main/java/org/apache/zeppelin/interpreter/launcher/DockerInterpreterProcess.java#L194-L201
> The development of our used docker-client library `com.spotify:docker-client` 
> was stopped a while ago. https://github.com/spotify/docker-client
> Spotify has probably switched from its own product Helios 
> (https://github.com/spotify/helios) to Kubernetes. I have been running 
> Zeppelin in Kubernetes for a long time. Getting started with Docker is of 
> course much easier.
> The raft implementation library is also no longer being developed and we 
> should remove it. https://github.com/atomix/atomix-archive
> This will also eliminate a lot of complexity. Maybe we can keep interfaces so 
> that another implementation is possible via plugin, for example.
> The EOL versions of Spark and Flink should be removed to speed up CI and 
> reduce complexity.
> As written on GitHub, I like the switch to the new user interface. I hope 
> that development will be easier with a newer Angular stack.
> Due to the many changes, I prefer a 0.12 version.
> Best Regards
> Philipp Dallig
> Am 11.09.24 um 12:30 schrieb Adam Binford:
> +1 for deprecating Java 8 and dropping Spark 3.2.
> I also have a working version of "unofficial" Spark 4.0 support I can submit 
> a PR for. Unofficial because I don't want to mark 4.0.0 as supported before 
> it's released, but I got the Spark interpreter tests to pass with 
> 4.0.0-preview1.
> One thing I noticed while trying to build a release with Spark 4.0 support is 
> that the 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT build I made broke in our deployment, because it 
> looks like there was a change that forced keytab/principal settings to only 
> be loaded from env vars or system props, and not the zeppelin-site.xml 
> config. I ended up just backporting it to a 0.11.2 build and Spark 
> 4.0.0-preview1 seems to be working fine.
> Adam
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 2:21 AM Cheng Pan <pan3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for bringing up this discussion, generally, I agree that we should 
>> have a short release cycle.
>> For the version number, I prefer to 0.12 instead of 1.0, because some 
>> interpreters relies on external systems were not fully tested with Java 11, 
>> I would like to give it more time to collect user feedbacks before enter 1.0.
>> +1 for marking Java 8 deprecated in the next release, meanwhile, if someone 
>> is interested, we should also consider adding support for Java 17, to 
>> prepare support for Spark 4.0.
>> I would also like to propose dropping support for Spark 3.2, and making 
>> Spark 3.5 as the default version.
>> Currently, Zeppelin supports Spark 3.2 to 3.5.
>> Spark 3.2 released at Oct 2021, was EOL at Apr 2023.
>> Spark 3.3 released at Jun 2022, was EOL at Dec 2023.
>> Spark 3.4 released at Apr 2023, will be EOL at Oct 2024.
>> Spark 3.5 released at Aug 2024, it’s a LTS version.
>> For users who want to use lower Spark versions, Livy and Kyuubi(for now, 
>> only supports Spark SQL via the JDBC interpreter) are alternatives.
>> Thanks,
>> Cheng Pan
>> > On Sep 11, 2024, at 10:24, Jongyoul Lee <jongy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I would like to discuss a new release with the community.
>> >
>> > Here is what we are working on:
>> > - Docker enhancement
>> > - Java 8 deprecation
>> > - New UI
>> > - Raft deprecation
>> >
>> > If you have any questions or ideas for the next release please feel
>> > free to leave your comments.
>> >
>> > Focusing on contributing and reviewing relevant tasks, I hope we do
>> > the next release by the end of this month.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Best regards,
>> > Jongyoul Lee
> --
> Adam Binford

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

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