
recently this svn log command started to fail like that:

> svn log --xml --verbose --search @ --use-merge-history --incremental --revision 172342:{2024-09-30} http://svn/svn/project/branches/cd/2024_09 >/dev/null
svn: E175009: The XML response contains invalid XML
svn: E130003: Malformed XML: mismatched tag at line 139122

Removing the --verbose lets the command succeed, so it seems related to the sending of the changed pathes. Also running the command with a file:// URL directly on the server works fine.

Server and client are 1.14.3+issue4711-fix (BTW, when will there be an official release with the fix for issue 4711?) running on x64-linux. Actually the failure mode looks quite similar to issue 4711, but this time the problem happens on the server side.

Looking at the transferred data with wireshark shows this at the end:
<S:modified-path node-kind="file" text-mods="true" prop-mods="false">...</S:modified-path>
... (>40000 lines of modified-path/added-path redacted)
<S:modified-path node-kind="file" text-mods="true" prop-mods="false">...</S:modified-path>

So the closing tag `</S:log-item>` is missing. This closing tag is only sent by log_revision_receiver() in subversion/mod_dav_svn/reports/log.c and is used as a callback in
Looking at the code the only failure mode I could imagine so far is that if the last revision processed for this transaction ends up with `baton.found_rev_of_interest = FALSE`. In this case send_log() doesn't call callbacks->revision_receiver() and so the log-item tag never gets closed?

Hope this helps to track down the bug,

PS: While investigating that I found a small cosmetic bug in the prototype (fortunately the code follows the definition) for do_logs() in subversion/libsvn_repos/log.c:
Index: subversion/libsvn_repos/log.c
--- subversion/libsvn_repos/log.c       (revision 1921065)
+++ subversion/libsvn_repos/log.c       (working copy)
@@ -1719,8 +1719,8 @@
         int limit,
         svn_boolean_t strict_node_history,
         svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
+        svn_boolean_t subtractive_merge,
         svn_boolean_t handling_merged_revisions,
-        svn_boolean_t subtractive_merge,
         svn_boolean_t ignore_missing_locations,
         const apr_array_header_t *revprops,
         svn_boolean_t descending_order,

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