you used the Solr-Port to send stuff with zkcli, the "zk" is to the best of my 
knowledge an abbreviation for zookeeper so we use eg:

/opt/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -zkhost -cmd 
upconfig -confdir conf -confname <very privat conf name>

I hope it helps, but I'm honestly too lazy to read the whole thread. We work 
with Solr since clouds were just nice on a blue sky (more than 20 years for our 
customers and the API is not stable but the zkcli.sh script is. We use that for 
ages (and many releases).


PS: we tried the API but the time invest is to high imho. Who pays that, when 
something working is part of the same release drop?

Am 07.11.24, 19:24 schrieb "Dmitri Maziuk" <dmitri.maz...@gmail.com 

On 11/7/24 11:51, Jan Høydahl wrote:

> /opt/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -z localhost:9983 -cmd get 
> /configs/foo >foo.txt
> It will write the content to "foo.txt", and according to the stack trace, 
> that file will be non-empty and contain non-JSON.

Indeed, it contains a single NULL byte.

Attachments are stripped off but in the UI 2 out of my 4 indexes have 
"not utf8 Content" and the other 2 don't -- I never noticed that until 
now. The above returns a single 0x00 for both of those. Curioser and 

Any ideas how to fix it?

Thanks again,

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