On 11/7/24 05:31, Jan Høydahl wrote:
Can you go to Solr Admin UI and inspect what the contents is on your configset
ZNode in zookeeper?

Solr expects there to be either no data or a JSON object on the "folder" itself
(zookeeper folders can have data). If you for some reason have a non-empty string there
which is not JSON this will trip the JSON parsing.
Hmm... what do you mean "inspect ZNode in zookeeper" in "Solr Admin UI",
can you be more explicit?
The web GUI has `cloud?view=[tree,nodes,graph,zkstatus]` none of which
will show me JSON, in tree view I can see metadata on the /configs/blah
folders. ZK has admin UI on port 8080 but I'm not seeing a 4-letter
command for fetching a "folder" in TFM. What am I looking for where?
Zookepeer is external, v.3.8.3, w/ 3 ZK nodes but only 2 Solr nodes (num
replicas = 2, num shards = 1), if that makes any difference.
Thank you,