May be :

Cordialement, Best Regards
Bruno Mannina
Mob. +33 0 634 421 817

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Bruno Mannina []
Envoyé : jeudi 10 octobre 2024 09:35
À :
Objet : RE: Field disappears sometimes ?!

Hi Hitendra,

Do you remember the version of Solr ? Mine is 8.11.3.

Cordialement, Best Regards
Bruno Mannina
Mob. +33 0 634 421 817

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Hitendra Talluri []
Envoyé : jeudi 10 octobre 2024 08:15
À :
Objet : RE: Field disappears sometimes ?!

We have noticed similar behaviour. Some of the documents drop fields in a
collection. This is visible when we facet on a Boolean field ,the values
show different and they never go back to what it was. Yes there are updates
but not effecting those fields. i.e. the facet values should have stayed the
same. I did a IndexCheck on the shards and they are all healthy( no
corruption). Nothing obvious in the logs.

Hitendra Talluri
Senior Consultant , Managed Services
Hitachi Vantara

m: +44 7717347192 | t: +44 7717347192

7th Floor, 1 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2UT, UK

Registered Company Address:

Hitachi Vantara Limited (Registered Company No: 02332239), Sefton Park,
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Meet Hitachi Vantara |

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Mannina <>
Sent: 09 October 2024 15:37
Subject: Field disappears sometimes ?!

***** EXTERNAL EMAIL *****

Dear all,

I'm facing on a strange issue.

I'm using Solr 8.11.3 under Ubuntu with 1.5To RAM, SSD NVme

My collection is around 8To with ~159M docs with 30 fields.

I index XML documents twice a week. Around 200 000 docs for size = 15~20Go.

All work fine.

But with some indexed documents there is data missing.

It concerns mainly 2 fields : title and description. Title, generally is
just a sentence and description can be a long text (several pages of text).

Documents, where there are missing fields, are in the collection but these 2
fields sometimes is missing. Of cours, these fields are presents in XML
source file.

and I don't know why because if I re-index the same documents these 2 fields
appear ?!

During the first indexing I have no error and the commit is ok also.

Do you have any idea why I have this problem ?

Cordialement, Best Regards

Bruno Mannina



Mob. +33 0 634 421 817

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