Dear all,
I'm facing on a strange issue. I'm using Solr 8.11.3 under Ubuntu with 1.5To RAM, SSD NVme My collection is around 8To with ~159M docs with 30 fields. I index XML documents twice a week. Around 200 000 docs for size = 15~20Go. All work fine. But with some indexed documents there is data missing. It concerns mainly 2 fields : title and description. Title, generally is just a sentence and description can be a long text (several pages of text). Documents, where there are missing fields, are in the collection but these 2 fields sometimes is missing. Of cours, these fields are presents in XML source file. and I don't know why because if I re-index the same documents these 2 fields appear ?! During the first indexing I have no error and the commit is ok also. Do you have any idea why I have this problem ? Cordialement, Best Regards Bruno Mannina <> <> Mob. +33 0 634 421 817 -- Cet e-mail a été vérifié par le logiciel antivirus d'Avast.