I have set up a new instance of Solr (it is really not the first time I do 
this), and right after bin/solr create, I am completely stuck:

$ bin/solr config --name mysearchindex --solr-url 
http://localhost:8983<http://localhost:8983/> --action set-user-property 
--property update.autoCreateFields --value false
Failed to parse command-line arguments due to: Unrecognized option: -scheme

usage: bin/solr config [-a <ACTION>] -c <NAME> -p <PROP> [-url <HOST>] [-v 
<VALUE>] [-z <HOST>]

List of options:
 -a,--action <ACTION>     Config API action, one of: set-property, 
unset-property, set-user-property,
                          unset-user-property; default is 'set-property'.
 -c,--name <NAME>         Name of the collection.
 -p,--property <PROP>     Name of the Config API property to apply the action 
to, such as:
 -url,--solr-url <HOST>   Base Solr URL, which can be used to determine the 
zk-host if that's not known; defaults to:
 -v,--value <VALUE>       Set the property to this value; accepts JSON objects 
and strings.
 -z,--zk-host <HOST>      Zookeeper connection string; unnecessary if ZK_HOST 
is defined in solr.in.sh; otherwise,
                          defaults to localhost:9983.

Please see the Reference Guide for more tools documentation:

Huh? I did not pass an option "-scheme", so what is the error message about? 
Even if this line was an erronous error message, I do not see where I did 
anything wrong.

I have also tried many variations of the CLI parameters (like also exactly 
obeying the "usage" line), but all of them lead to the same error message.

What am I missing?
Kind regards.

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