
I've come to loathe the scammy Adobe and WORD services.  I've paid them
thousands and they just keep wanting more. and more and more $$  So, I
decided to give Apache Open Office a try.
Unfortunately, even with the latest version, every document I attempt to
create crashes and loses info, even after saving.  Everything is fully
updated.  It just randomly crashes and I have to recreate.

In addition, finding simple functions, like adding page numbers is not at a
intuitive and editing documents is a nightmare; make such a mess of things,
I actually print, edit by hand, and scan back in, so I can complete my
work, adding on needless hours of labor.

So, I guess I will have to go back to the 2 biggest extortionists because
Apache Open Office has is slowed my work flow to a halt.

Frustrated and tired of being fleeced,


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