There are several good resources to help answer your questions. The Student’s 
Guide to OpenOffice Writer is a very good resource for the basic information to 
answer your questions: 3 Writer Guide has more details on these subjects:

Apache OpenOffice User Guide: Writer is a work in progress updating this 

Further specifics are below:

> 1. will not change double space to single space
This is a function of Paragraph Styles

> 2. cannot insert page number; the page number continues to be highlighted
This is a function of Page Styles, page numbers are usually put into a Footer 
or a Header 

> 3. cannot make a long dash after a word
Inserting special characters

> 4, I want to be able to compare two documents side by side
Open both documents, resize their windows and position them next to each other. 
You may need to adjust the Zoom percentage of each document in View menu. Be 
careful paying attention to which document your cursor is in when making 

> 5. I want the system to automatically highlight mis-spellings
Turn on Auto Spellcheck: Menu bar at top of window, click on ABC with Red line 
under it.

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