On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 11:35:51 -0400
S Friedman <sf15...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am a poet, writer, trying to make basic, editorial changes on a document;
> the system appears to be quite user unfriendly even though my needs are
> very simple and basic. These are some of the issues:
> 1. will not change double space to single space
> 2. cannot insert page number; the page number continues to be highlighted.
> 3. cannot make a long dash after a word
> 4, I want to be able to compare two documents side by side
> 5. I want the system to automatically highlight mis-spellings
> I deeply appreciate any assistance you can provide. My phone number is
> 304-300-2920.
> Thank you.
> P.S. The Geek Squad at Best Buy could not resolve this issue and
> recommended I contact you.

Support on this list and on the User Group Forum at 
https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ is given by volunteers in their own time 
on a pro bono basis.

1) Use /Edit /Find and Replace.  In Find box enter two spaces, in Replace box 
enter one space, press Replace all button

2) /Insert /Field : Page number. If it is on a grey background (non printing) 
/View /Field shading.  If it shows "Page Number" in place of the actual number 
/View /Field Names.

3) Dash replacement is enabled by a setting in /Tools /Autocorrect Options: 
Options tab.  There should be a tick in both the M and T columns against 
"Replace dashes".  These are replaced according to these entries:

"Replace Dashes
Replaces one or two hyphens with a long dash (see the following table).
Text will be replaced after you type a trailing white space (space, tab, or 
return). In the following table, the A and B represent text consisting of 
letters A to Z or digits 0 to 9.
Text that you type:                             Result that you get:
A - B (A, space, minus, space, B)               A – B (A, space, en-dash, 
space, B)
A -- B (A, space, minus, minus, space, B)       A – B (A, space, en-dash, 
space, B)
A--B (A, minus, minus, B)                       A—B (A, em-dash, B)
(see note below the table)
A-B (A, minus, B)                               A-B (unchanged)
A -B (A, space, minus, B)                       A -B (unchanged)
A --B (A, space, minus, minus, B)               A –B (A, space, en-dash, B)

You can see this properly set out by /Tools /Autocorrect options and pressing 
the Help button on that page.  

4) You need to open another instance in Writer of the second file and position  
the two Writer windows side by side.  You will need to manually steer both to 
keep the files in sync.

5) The system should automatically highlight mis-spellings if a dictionary has 
been selected for the chosen language.

If you have queries on any of the above, please log on to the Forum at the 
above URL and state your problem.

You might find it useful to see some instructions.  Many have found this 
document to be useful:

PDF at


If you expect OpenOffice to work like MS Word, you will be disappointed.  
OpenOffice is based on the user of Style, for text and pages.
Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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