
Am 23.08.21 um 13:23 schrieb eisl herbert:
>  Hello Administrator!
> I'll tried to register me to report an error in OpfenOffce. But I got the
> information "User account creation is been disabled". New accounts must be
> created by an administrator. The maintainer is aoo-bugzilla-ad...@apache.org

Yes, that is the correct address to get an account for Bugzilla.

You are now writing to the user mailing list...

> .
> My OpenOffice Writer crash on every closing of a odt-file. This happens if
> there exists a chapter index, the file have to be bigger as 50 sites, after
> the last opening you must write around one side by typing and not by copy
> and paste. The problem exists in Ubuntu-Linux with OpenOffice since I
> changed from Windows to Linux. Now I try to find help. But in the forum
> they are dont able to help me (
> https://de.openoffice.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=75873).

That sounds a bit like:


Happens on Linux only and I suspect it is related to GNOME Desktop

Be sure to follow that ticket.



> regards,
> Herbert Eisl

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