On 2021-06-23 04:26, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 2021 01:34:24 +0000
> Michael Lermer <michaeller...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> Thank you for your suggestion.  I am indeed using Windows 10, and I have 
>> enabled Clipboad History as you suggest, and I see that it does enable me to 
>> use a Clipboard, but it is still necessary to paste each item separately, 
>> rather than being able to paste up to 24 items at a time with one click.  
>> Still, better than nothing.  Re your suggestion that I add this to Open 
>> Office - unfortunately I have very limited IT skills, so would not have the 
>> first idea how to do this!
>> Thank you again
>> Mike
> Be advised that previous postings, over years, indicate that OpenOffice can 
> have problems with clipboard add-on utilities.  Whether that applies to a 
> built-in system utility I cannot say; not using Windows 10 I am unable to 
> test for any such problems.
> RoryOF
Although I have not done any formal testing, I have used the Windows 10
clip-board history feature with Writer with no apparent dilatory effects.


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