At 21:02 29/10/2020 +0000, Nicholas Noname wrote:
i have tried and tried and TRIED to remove a formatting issue from the last three pages of a document and it won't go away. i have attached it. please make it go away! pages 40-42, the blue boxes!
Like others, I don't see any blue boxes. Mine (and I guess others') are grey. What you have on pages 41 to 43 (in the rendering on my system) is twenty-four weirdly named Sections, which don't appear to serve any purpose. (Did you import this text from another document?) By default, such sections are shown in the editing screen with grey outlines, but you may have set these to display in blue in your installation of OpenOffice. You can change this at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice | Appearance | Custom colours | Section boundaries | Colour setting. You may choose to set this back to Automatic.
But note in any case that these boundaries are not part of the document itself and will not appear in your printed output - or indeed in an exported PDF version of the document. You can see this immediately using File | Page Preview (or the Page Preview button in the Standard toolbar). Since the sections do not appear to serve any purpose here, you may want to remove them. Go to Format | Sections... and use Remove repeatedly - or perhaps once after selecting all the sections in the list on the left.
Incidentally, if this (slight) problem arose by your importing material from elsewhere, you may like to be aware of the possibility of using Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste and selecting "Unformatted text" in the Paste Special dialogue.
I trust this helps. Brian Barker --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: