You have, for some reason, a series of 24 Sections in your document
starting on (about - as I don't have all the fonts used in the document)
page 42.
You can see these if you open the Navigator - F5 or View | Navigator;
click on any of the labels to jump to the relevant part of the document.
On screen, these sections appear, in my Writer, with a light grey
boundary. I'm not sure what the purpose of those sections is.
At a guess, a change has been made to your configuration to show section
boundaries as some shade of blue?
You can manage the colour of, or turn off display of section boundaries,
via Tools | Options | OpenOffice | Appearance under Custom Colours;
you'll need to scroll down a bit to get to Section Boundaries in the
Text Document section.
Just as an aside - you seem to be ignoring the most powerful feature of
Writer, which is Styles.
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As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the
mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at
<> - replies to my personal email address
will be ignored.
On 30/10/20 8:43 am, nicholas wrote:
ok guys, since there are no attachments, the boxes appear in the last pages,
a short story called 'a flight not fancy [weightiness]
my request is this - if you are not getting blue boxes and i am and i am using
open office windows 10, could someone try copying the text and sending it back?
we'll go from there.
but thanks
On Thursday, October 29, 2020, 06:09:16 PM EDT, Wade Smart
<> wrote:
I have no blue boxes on pages 40-42.
David Robley
"I'm a Soviet agent in England," said Tom bluntly.