Den lör 24 okt. 2020 kl 12:29 skrev Olle Olsson <>:
>  I find it amazing that after so many years, and so much effort spent on
> implementations, the oo tools are still in what I would call "pre-release
> testing stage".

I don't know, I didn't use Apache OpenOffice for a while, since it crashed
at startup, and I didn't have the energy to send a bug report at the time,
so I just continued using LibreOffice instead.

> The main concern I have is that images cannot be handled reliably in oo
> Writer.

Ah, that old problem that I had in Word many years ago, which made me
switch to in the first place! I still use Word at work and I
still have big issues with images. I change something and suddenly all the
pictures are all over the place. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, so I
guess that Word is just not for me.

Modern documents are image heavy.

Mine aren't, but I guess you're right.

> Rarely we see text-only documents.

I have a lot of them, but I'm really more a spreadsheet kind of guy, so I
rarely write text documents at all.

> And
> often images are photographic. And sometimes many of them. Do take a look
> at the main information dissemination medium of our time: the web. The web
> has become a "multi media" medium, where it is so easy to create
> image-heavy web objects (and where the behavior actually is predictable!)

So what do you need Writer for?

> So what happens if you create an image-heavy oo Writer  document? Well, the
> images you painstakingly inserted , have later disappeared from your
> document.!

 From your document maybe, not from mine. I actually searched for odt files
a minute ago and I found one that I made in 2007, 29 pages with a lot of
images in it (which, as I said, is very rare for me, but rare doesn't mean
it never happens). As far as I can see, all images are still there and they
are still aligned exactly as I remember them.

Not saying that I don't believe you, but maybe you just have a workflow
better suitable for whatever you prefer to use instead of Apache OpenOffice

> What is left there in the document, in front of your eyes, is a
> placeholder that signals something like "read error" of "graphic cannot be
> displayed".

Maybe you inserted your images as links rather than images?

> And there is no way to get information from the document about what that
> inserted graphical object was, or where it came from.

As I said, I don't have Apache OpenOffice anymore, but I tested this now in
LibreOffice. I inserted an image, then changed its link to something
non-existant, and now, in the place holder, the whole path can be seen. Is
this not true for Apache OpenOffice?

> So in many respects, you have to create your document again, populating it
> with the illustrations you want it to contain. And a day later, again
> insert images ... ad nauseam.

Well, when I finish a document, at least if it's important, I always export
it to PDF. Especially if I'm going to send it to people. That takes care of
many problems, such as the receiver doesn't use the same software etc.
Sometimes I get Word documents in my email (at work), and that annoys me a
lot. If I'm not supposed to make changes in the document, send it as PDF,
that's my opinion about that… 😁

> When this is the case, it is astonishing that people want to use oo Writer
> for mission-critical tasks.

And to me it's astonishing that people want to use Word, and that's for
approximately the same reasons. So you had problems with Writer, I had
problems with Word. We are different people with different workflows, so
maybe it's not that astonishing after all.

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