Thank you all for your detailed responses and help.
Yes, sorry, it appears that I sent my issue to the wrong support email. Thank 
you for providing the correct support email; nonetheless, great support 
provided from you all to a fellow user.
You all have a good day.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 12:38 PM, Moderator<> wrote:   
Might this be the software Crystal is referring to
If so Crystal needs to contact AndreOpenoffice support:

-------- Original Message --------
From: David Belina []
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 17:10 UTC
To: David Robley;,
Cc: Crystal Howard
Subject: Openoffice Apache App on Table Support Question

> If you paid for Open Office you got ripped off (unless you got a CD with OO 
> on it).  OO is free to download:  
> On June 10, 2020 at 1:26:35 AM, David Robley ( wrote:
> Apache OpenOffice is free to download from  
> and should only be downloaded from  
> there to ensure you don't get some additional and possibly unwanted extras.  
> You don't say how your spell check isn't working: if it is flagging all  
> words as mis-spelled, see  
> If it is not showing errors on mis-spelled words, see  
> Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the  
> replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists  
> go to  
> As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the  
> mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at  
> <> - replies to my personal email address  
> will be ignored.  
> On 10/6/20 10:13 am, Crystal Howard wrote:  
>> Good evening Support,  
>> The "spelling correction" function in the Openoffice Apache app on my tablet 
>> is not working.  
>> Should I delete the app and reload it? Would that correct the bug, or is 
>> there something else I can do in the app to fix?  
>> If I do need to delete app and reload, will the subscription I paid, still 
>> apply?  
>> Thanks  
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  
> Cheers  
> --  
> David Robley  
> There are no atheists in the foxholes.  

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