At 11:39 20/05/2020 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
OKay; I now have a jre1.8.0_251 folder showing under C:Program Files
(x86) Java. I think I am now convinced that a 32-bit JRE is
installed on my computer.
1. Does that mean that AOO will recognize it?
Not necessarily.
2. What additional steps should I do for AOO functionality?
Go to Tools | Options.. | OpenOffice | Java | Java options. "Use a
Java runtime environment" needs to be ticked *and* and entry in the
panel below (wait for it to be populated) needs to be explicitly selected.
3. Is there a test that I can/should do? I think AOO-Base relies on
JRE; maybe I should attempt to run a Base template, since I do not
have any Base files of my own doing, yet.
Easier than using Base:
o Open OpenOffice Help - using the button in the Standard toolbar or
by pressing F1.
o Click the Find tab.
o Type something in the "Search term" box.
o Click Find.
If your JRE is working, you will see some results - or possibly a "No
topics found" message.
If a JRE is not selected, you will see an "Enable JRE" error message.
(You can toggle it on there.)
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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