My responses are given in-line with your original message.

*From:* Vince@GMAIL []
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 18:17 UTC
*To:* AOO Mail List
*Subject:* Java Version

> Hello Group:
> My Windows 10 Home is used on a 64-bit architecture DELL desktop.
> I recently downloaded and installed Libre Office software.  So, now I
> have both packages:
> 1. Apache Open Office: AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496
>    2017-12-11 17:25 (This is AOO 32-bit version.)
> 2. Libre Office: Version: (x64)
>    Build ID: dd0751754f11728f69b42ee2af66670068624673
Unless there is a very good reason not to, you should update both to the
latest versions.
> The two JREs available to me are:
> 1. jre-8u201-windows-i586
> 2. jre-8u241-windows-x64
Again update both to jre-8u251
> Given that a 32-bit java and a 64-bit java should/must not be
> installed on the same machine/partition.
Where did you acquire this misinformation. For years I have had both 32
& 64 bit JRE installed and never encountered any issues.
> I therefore must remove one of the JREs from my machine.....    Or,
> install and run the AOO 64-bit version, and keep the JRE-64 bit. But I
> am uncertain if I would loose any of my 32-bit AOO existing files
> and/or templates.
Provided you tell AOO to use the 32bit JRE and LO to use the 64bit JRE
it will not be a problem for you. Hint: Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java
> How should I proceed if I go ahead with the 64-bit AOO installation? 
> Will I loose any 32-bit AOO files/templates?
> Are there any practical advantages included in AOO-64 over AOO-32?
Not sure what you mean by this.
> Your suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks for reading this. Stay well and be safe.
> VinceB.
Hope this helps.


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