AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496
2017-12-11 17:25
Windows 10x64 Home on desktop PC.
The Dropbox link written in my previious messages, apparently, is not
allowing the message to pass through to this Mailing List, so I will
attempt to present my problem without the actual Calc file. If anyone
could suggest a compatible storage site, I will then attempt to upload
the actual Calc file to it.
Cells E54:T54 contain sequencial enumeration 1, 2, ...16 to accomodate
data that correlates to up to 16 bowlers.
Cells E74 through T74 contain the bolwer's names.
Cells E76 through T76 contain the calculated bowler's average scores.
I have CALCulated the Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average data, which is
stored in the cell range $E$76:$T$76. I want Calc to evaluate the
numerical average value data; identify the name of the bowler whom has
the Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average score, and:
1. display within cell $E$78 the name of the bowler that has the
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 189.83 found in cell
M76 and correlation to cell M74.
2. display within cell $F$78 the name of the bowler that has the 2nd
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 180.50 found in cell
E76 and correlation to cell E74.
3. display within cell $G$78 the name of the bowler that has the 3rd
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 168.67 found in cell
P76 and correlation to cell P74.
4. display within cell $H$78 the name of the bowler that has the 4th
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 155.67 found in cell
O76 and correlation to cell O74.
5. display within cell $I$78 the name of the bowler that has the 5th
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 149.33 found in cell
$L$74 and correlation to cell L74.
In this example, cells $E76:$T$76 would yield: "SAM C."; "BOB M.";
"WILLIE M."; "VINCE B."; and "RUSSEL P.".
I suspect that the HLOOKUP function would be needed to accomplish this
task. ?? In the Help file, there is no example of using the HLOOKUP
function, so I am uncertain about the relational row location as
required by the HLOOKUP function.
I suppose that I should / will define and insert a NameBox Name for
referencing the Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average data that is contained
within cells $E$76:$T$76.
ROW 54
Player #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
ROW 74
_Bowlers' Names:_ /_BOB M._/ /_DENISE C._/ /_GLEN U._/ /_JASIU
M._/ /_JOHN G._/ /_RAY H._/ /_RON J._/ /_RUSSEL P._/ /_SAM C._/
/_SAM G._/ /_VINCE B._/ /_WILLIE M._/ /_<Click Here>_/ /_<Click
Here>_/ /_<Click Here>_/ /_<Click Here>_/
ROW 76
_Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average:_ 180.50 140.50 122.17 118.33
145.17 120.50 147.00 149.33 189.83 117.83 155.67 168.67 100.00
100.00 100.00 100.00
ROW 77
_Tournament Leaders-15 Game Averages-Topmost Five Bowlers_
ROW 78
_Bowlers' Names:_ /_SAM C._/ /_BOB M._/ /_WILLIE M._/ /_VINCE
B._/ /_RUSSEL P._/
ROW 79
189.83 180.50 168.67 155.67 149.33