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AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496
2017-12-11 17:25
Windows 10x64 Home on desktop PC.
This Dropbox link gives access to an AOO Calc file, with which I am
having a frustrating problem:
(I hope I have the Calc file correctly marked as viewable by any others;
I have very little experience using Dropbox files viewable by others.)
With reference to cell range $E$76:$T$76 (Bowler's Highest 15-Game
Average data), I want Calc to examine the numerical values and identify
which Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average score is the LARGEST value:
1. display within cell $E$78 the name of the bowler that has the
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 189.83 found in cell
M76 and correlation to cell M74.
2. display within cell $F$78 the name of the bowler that has the 2nd
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 180.50 found in cell
E76 and correlation to cell E74.
3. display within cell $G$78 the name of the bowler that has the 3rd
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 168.67 found in cell
P76 and correlation to cell P74.
4. display within cell $H$78 the name of the bowler that has the 4th
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 155.67 found in cell
O76 and correlation to cell O74.
5. display within cell $I$78 the name of the bowler that has the 5th
LARGEST value found within $E$76:$T$76; i.e., 149.33 found in cell
and correlation to cell L74.
In this example, cells $E76:$T$76 would yield: "SAM C."; "BOB M.";
"WILLIE M."; "VINCE B."; and "RUSSEL P.".
I suspect that the HLOOKUP function would be needed to accomplish this
task. ?? In the Help file, there is no example of using the HLOOKUP
function, and I am uncertain about the relational row location as
required by the HLOOKUP function.
I suppose that I should / will define and insert a NameBox Name for
referencing the Bowler's Highest 15-Game Average data that is contained
within cells $E$76:$T$76.
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