Late last month I sent the following request for help to the help users group.


For many years I have been a user of the NeoOffice suite of applications and 
have been satisfied with their performance and operation.

I purchased a new iMac desktop this summer and have noted some 
incompatibilities with it and NeoOffice. I downloaded Apache Open Office 
version 4.1.4 and now use it as my everyday application for text and 
spreadsheets. The iMac is using IO S version 10.13.2/High Sierra

However, I have an open issue with OpenOffice Writer. When I enter data, after 
a few seconds the screen text becomes “fuzzy”, obscured and hard to read. In 
addition, I note numerous dim triangles in the margins and body of the screen 
text.  I can clear the "fuzzyness" by 'Selecting All'; the text becomes comes 
clear and legible.  However, the "fuzziness" returns after a few seconds.

I have searched the Open Office help screens and a early version of the users 
manual but I cannot find any reference to the cause and correction method to 
eliminate the fuzziness.

 Thanks in advance for your help.

Don Minow


I received a private response from an individual to the effect that he/she did 
not believe it it was an Open Office problem and suggested that I try finding 
some help elsewhere, possibly on a Mac OS x forum or blog.

I have diligently searched as best I can, but with no success.  The "fuzzyness" 
problem has escaped my best attempts to resolve it.

The problem occurs only with OOWriter.  OOSpreadsheets works just fine - no  
"fuzzyness".  I am limping along with Apple's Text editor as my word processor, 
but it has some limitations compared to OOWriter.  I wonder if this is some 
sort of privacy or masking feature that may have been inadvertently selected

Can you suggest some additional steps that I can try?  It is almost impossible 
to used OOWriter in its present form.

I can provide some screen shots of this problem if it will help in resolving it 
for me.

Don Minow

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