2017-02-06 21:09 GMT+01:00 Jim McLaughlin <jjim.mclaugh...@gmail.com>:

> No, it doesn't.
> OO is a  bad joke.  yaers and years with the same defects, unresolved.
> Dictionary issues; shut down failures; us profile issues.  They continue
> forever, and there is no resolution bu the project authors.
> Bad joke.

That's true. Since I started using OpenOffice.org (1.0.3 I think) I
switched to LibreOffice when it was first released. Then it destroyed my
most important spreadsheet so bad that only Apache OpenOffice was able to
recover it, so I switched back to Apache OpenOffice. Unfortunately there
was too many bugs that made some of my spreadsheets almost impossible to
use, so once again I switched to LibreOffice which has a quite different
approach to Apache OpenOffice. Instead of keeping their old bugs forever
they introduce new interesting ones with every release. So I would say that
neither Apache OpenOffice nor LibreOffice work properly, at least not with

As some kind of reference I can mention that I use Excel at work (I can't
even install it at home since there doesn't seem to be a Linux version for
some reason), and even if I only used it for like a year now (Excel 2013),
I already found quite a lot of quite interesting bugs, forcing me into a
lot of workarounds all the time. And I also find the user interface quite
unusable. I seem to never being able to figure out where to find stuff, so
I often need to search the web for really simple things. On the positive
side I can mention the macro recorder which almost works now and then.
Sometimes I need to remove some lines to make the macro work when I
otherwise get an error message telling be that a command doesn't exist…
very funny indeed. A macro recorder that creates commands that doesn't
exist – hilarious…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Matthias Seidel <
> matthias.sei...@hamburg.de
> > wrote:
> > So does OpenOffice.
> >
> >
> > Am 06.02.2017 um 20:59 schrieb Jim McLaughlin:
> > > Libre Office works.
> > >
> > > On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 11:19 AM, John Gregson <jfgreg...@shaw.ca>
> wrote:
> > >
> > >> What is the difference between Open Office and Libre office?
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> J. Gregson
> > >> jfgreg...@shaw.ca
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> >
> >

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