I have both LO and AO, as well as NeoOffice for the Mac. Overall, I like Neo 
better  because its solo developer tends to business as quick as possible. And 
it’s a dandy program. Defects? Sure! But as I said, critical flaws are dealt 
with promptly. (And not that Neo is not free; Costs $30 or so on the App 
store.) Most of the stuff I can do in Neo can also be done in AO and LO, but I 
like Neo because of its Aqua (native) interface to the Mac. Fonts look better, 
as to icons and other things. But they appear to be functionally the same. 

Thought I’d add to your comments a little:
> On Feb 6, 2017, at 2:42 PM, Girvin Herr <ghe...@fastmail.com> wrote:
> 1. AOO may not be as feature-rich (some would call it feature bloat) as
>   LO, but what features are there seem to be a bit more stable than
>   LO.  This is more of a feeling than a hard fact and I cannot point
>   to any specific feature that supports it.
> 2. AOO does not include a database report generator, which is crucial
>   to my work.  You can create the database, but there is no way in AOO
>   to print it out nicely.  LO does include a report generator and it
>   works fine.
Are you sure it needs a report generator? Can you not open your database as a 
data source in Writer to produce reports? A report is really just a big, 
complex form letter. 
> 3. LO does not restore a session properly, where AOO does.
>   I like to keep several oft-used files open all the time.  I do not
>   close these files before I shut down.  I expect these files to be
>   reopened at startup the next time I use the system, so I don't have
>   to manually open them all.  AOO does this properly. LO, from version
>   4.x on, does not.
Thank you, Girvin. You just gave me a useful idea. 

Jim Plante

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