2016-02-25 9:51 GMT+01:00 Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com>:

> At 09:18 25/02/2016 +0100, M Henri Day wrote:
>> 2016-02-25 1:21 GMT+01:00 Robert Carney:
>>> I tried Henri's suggestion to scan the form to a PDF and edit that in
>>> Open Office. Maybe I don't know how to open a PDF file in Open Office
>>> because every time I try to open the file, Open Office 4.1.2 crashes. I
>>> tried clicking on "open" and selecting the proper file and I tried clicking
>>> on text document and, either way, Open Office crashes as soon as I select
>>> the PDF file. Otherwise, it works just fine on other files, etc.
>> Robert, I get the impression - which may be erroneous - that you tried to
>> open the pdf file in OpenOffice Writer. What happens if you try to open it
>> in OpenOffice Draw ?...
> Surely it is a fallacy to suppose that you can open files "in Writer" or
> "in Draw"? These names for components merely describe the type of document
> that is being handled. And if you *open* a file in OpenOffice (which is all
> you can do - not in a specific component), you generally don't get a choice
> of how it is interpreted: text files are interpreted as text, spreadsheet
> files as spreadsheets, and so on. And PDFs are not interpreted at all -
> except perhaps misinterpreted as the text files that they indeed are.
> Some users think that if they have a text file open they are somehow "in
> Writer" and that this will influence how further documents are opened. They
> are suffering from Microsoftitis: Word, Excel, and so on are indeed
> separate programs. But OpenOffice is an integrated application.
> You can, of course *insert* various items - including a graphic of a PDF
> document - into different types of OpenOffice documents. And inserting an
> image of a PDF form into a drawing (Draw) document as a picture is (as I
> mentioned earlier) one way to deal with the enquirer's need.
> Brian Barker
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​I stand corrected, Brian, thank you ! Despite being a long-time Linux
user, I seem to be suffering from Microsoftitis. My apologies to Robert for
a meaningless suggestion !...


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