Vince, I’m not sure that it’s really necessary, but you might also format the 
cells in your list box to text as well as the target range. 

One thing that may save you some time: You can copy and paste the active cell 
(the one in which the user chooses from the list). This will save you from 
having to format a whole column of cells.
Just select the cell and copy normally. Go to the next cell where you want to 
make those choices and select “Paste”, or Ctrl-V. 

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 4:22 PM, Vince <> wrote:
> When '16 BVL Practice was used, IIRC, the ERR:519 showed.  The cells within 
> my Source were not formatted as text beforehand.
> Next time, I will try that Shrink box.
> TNX.
> On 2/12/2016 4:38 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 16:18 12/02/2016 -0500, Vince Bonly wrote:
>>> Came upon one glitch: I did not see a Shrink button in my version (4.1.2) 
>>> of AOO on the right of the "cell range" box. What I did see, after setting 
>>> the Criteria-Allow to "Cell range", is an input line after a "Source" 
>>> prompt.
>> The Shrink button is to the right of that Source box. It's an alternative 
>> (easier and more reliable) way to fill the box.
>>> I learned that the definition string for my selection choices should not 
>>> begin with an apostrophe ( ' ) nor with a [left] arrow ( < ).  I was trying 
>>> to begin with '16 BVL Practice or <Blank>; neither of those worked.
>> That's not true. An apostrophe before a number will be interpreted as a text 
>> format marker and not included in the cell value - but that shouldn't cause 
>> any problem if you have text following it, as you do here. (There are some 
>> complications if you have AutoCorrect set to change apostrophes to smart 
>> quotes.) In any case, you need only to format the cell range as Text before 
>> entering the values to avoid this problem entirely.
>> I don't see why <Blank> should be a problem. (It isn't for me.) If you 
>> actually want to be able to accept genuinely empty cells, just ensure that 
>> "Allow blank cells" is ticked in the Validity dialogue.
>> I trust this helps.
>> Brian Barker
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