First, create the choices that you want to have in the dropdown list: In a 
blank spreadsheet, 
Go to cell D1. Enter “One”, return; in D2 enter “Two”, return; etc. Let’s say 
you do six entries, D1:D6.

Now, select the cell at which you want to make the dropdown list. Let’s use A2. 
Now go to 
Data->Validity; you’ll get a dialog box. In that box, at the “Allow” prompt, 
click the dropdown box and select “Cell Range.” The dialog changes. 

On the right of the “cell range” box, select the “shrink” button. Now in the 
spreadsheet, select D1 and drag to D6. Hit the shrink button again, and once 
again the dialog changes. The selected range of inputs is now $Sheet1.$D$1:$D$6.

Click “OK” and you’re good to go. Cell A2 now has an arrow next to it when it 
is selected—and only when selected! Click the arrow, and you can choose any of 
the six entries you made in D1:D6. 

There are other options available in the dialog. Explore them. You can use 
numbers, text, or formulas that give rise to arrays. Read the docs to find out 
more about it. (Google is your buddy.)

For instance, if you had a bunch of different cells in which you wanted to 
control or expedite data entry, you could put all the selections in different 
areas on Sheet2. Then when it’s time to select your cell range, shrink the 
dialog, change sheets, select the desired range, hit shrink again, and the 
dialog would show something like “$Sheet2.$F$10:$F$15”, and those choices would 
populate your target cell.

Jim Plante
> On Feb 11, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Vince <> wrote:
> Hello:
> Using AOO 4.1.2 on WIN 8.1.
> I do not know the correct terminology for searching in HELP file, but I want 
> to have a drop down selection list, with a clickable arrowhead, inside a Calc 
> cell.  How can this be done?
> Regards,
> VinceB.

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