On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 20:15:31 -0800
John Suter <john-su...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I need help in recovering a text file, a book, I have been writing and saving 
> every 15 minutes or so.  
> My laptop running Windows 10 version 1511, IE 11.20.10586.0 and using Apache 
> Open Office  4.1.2 had a abrupt browser blank-out.  Before restarting my 
> system to clear the problem, I saved the Open Office file.  After restarting 
> my system, Open Office didn’t have any files I have been working on in the 
> platform que.  I went to “documents” and opened the file I was wanting to 
> return to and it said it was restricted and could only be seen in a read-only 
> mode.  However, when I said I wanted to see a copy, all that was displayed 
> were screens of “X”s.  Can you advise me how to recover?   
> Thanks,   John

You should look in the backup and temporary directories pointed to by /Tools 
/Options /OpenOffice : Paths. Rename any files in those to the file type you 
were using and see if they contain your data. 

No matter what format you were working to, run an undelete utlity such as 
Recuva or PhotoRec and see if it will find some deleted temporary file holding 
some or all of your data. I'd start with Recuva or PhotoRec (you only need one 
of these, and the sooner the better, as c0ontinued use  of the computer might 
overwrite any deleted image of your file).

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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