On 07/25/2015 04:07 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

>so there will be no funding for support and that consequently there can
be no support.

Apache Foundation infrastructure is setup for the individual projects to
offer Tier 0 support.  Which is what Apache OpenOffice does offer. One
can debate about the quality of said support, but nonetheless it does
exist, and is used by people everyday.

Furthermore, there are organizations that offer Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier
3 support for Apache OpenOffice, albeit said support can cost a very
pretty penny. (Now wondering if that organization that charged
US$1.00/minute for OOo support by phone is still around.)
These organizations are completely independent of anything done by The
Apache Foundation --- if the latter is even aware of their existence.

> There is no "customer service".

From a consumer POV, this mailing list is "customer service".


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