    Thanks.  I have three 10-page spreadsheets of 67 Rows
and A - O Columns each, with the contents of each cell of
Sheet 3 a merging of the contents of the corresponding cells
in Sheets 1 and 2.  I forget what OO calls that.
    When I do Ctrl-P on Sheets 1 or 2, under "Thereof print"
for Pages the entry is 1 - 10, but for Sheet 3 the entry is
1 - 14.  The last cell to contain data in all three Sheets
is Cell O632 of Page 10 in each Sheet.
    But I've searched Sheet 3 and all the cells in pages 11 and
below are empty.
    Furthermore, I've done a Delete Row for all the rows in
these pages.
    So the only way I've found to avoid printing 4 blank
pages with Sheet 3 is to manually change the Pages
field from 14 to 10 each time I Print.
    It's a small thing and I thought surely it must have an
easy solution.

On 11/29/14 4:49 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Um, I think cell A1 must be selected.  Is that what you mean?

-----Original Message-----
From: FC []
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 15:41
Subject: Re: Print Range on Combined Spreadsheet

      Thanks, but is there a step missing?

On 11/29/14 7:33 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Open the problematic sheet in Calc.

With the cursor initially in cell A1, Click Ctrl-End on your keyboard.  This 
will move to the lower-right corner cell of the sheet such that all used cells 
are included in the rectangular grid having that A1 and that as corners.

>From there, you can start deleting rows or columns as necessary to shrink that 
grid back to one that just includes the necessary cells and excludes blank strays.

This is better than setting print area because that often ends up excluding 
information when changes are made or, as seems to be the case here, there may 
be inconsistency in handling multiple sheets in the Calc document.

   - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Barker []
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 21:17
Subject: Re: Print Range on Combined Spreadsheet

At 12:16 28/11/2014 -0800, Fred Conly wrote:
[ ... ]

But one of my comments transpires nevertheless to have been apposite, I think:
Note also that areas that appear empty on any sheet may not be empty
but contain either explicit blank characters or formulae that
evaluate to blank strings. Such areas will be included in what is printed.
Surely you must just have some significant cell or cells that Calc
assumes that you want printed some way beyond the last part that you
do? This might be visible in your spreadsheet or it may be that the
significant data is just blank spaces - so not visibly different from
an empty cell. But Calc will think that you put those blanks there
because you wanted that cell printed.

If you cannot find the rogue cell or cells, you may want to replace
any confidential information with nonsense text and send the
spreadsheet (still showing the problem) to someone to investigate.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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