Um, I think cell A1 must be selected.  Is that what you mean?

-----Original Message-----
From: FC [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 15:41
Subject: Re: Print Range on Combined Spreadsheet

     Thanks, but is there a step missing?

On 11/29/14 7:33 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> Open the problematic sheet in Calc.
> With the cursor initially in cell A1, Click Ctrl-End on your keyboard.  This 
> will move to the lower-right corner cell of the sheet such that all used 
> cells are included in the rectangular grid having that A1 and that as corners.
> >From there, you can start deleting rows or columns as necessary to shrink 
> >that grid back to one that just includes the necessary cells and excludes 
> >blank strays.
> This is better than setting print area because that often ends up excluding 
> information when changes are made or, as seems to be the case here, there may 
> be inconsistency in handling multiple sheets in the Calc document.
>   - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Barker []
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 21:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: Print Range on Combined Spreadsheet
> At 12:16 28/11/2014 -0800, Fred Conly wrote:
> [ ... ]
> But one of my comments transpires nevertheless to have been apposite, I think:
>> Note also that areas that appear empty on any sheet may not be empty
>> but contain either explicit blank characters or formulae that
>> evaluate to blank strings. Such areas will be included in what is printed.
> Surely you must just have some significant cell or cells that Calc
> assumes that you want printed some way beyond the last part that you
> do? This might be visible in your spreadsheet or it may be that the
> significant data is just blank spaces - so not visibly different from
> an empty cell. But Calc will think that you put those blanks there
> because you wanted that cell printed.
> If you cannot find the rogue cell or cells, you may want to replace
> any confidential information with nonsense text and send the
> spreadsheet (still showing the problem) to someone to investigate.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
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