<orcnote> below,

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan B [mailto:abo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 05:27
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: [moderate please] Re: Quickoffice pro

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:36 AM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 07/10/2014 NoOp wrote:
>> Given that this list is likely going to continue to receive these from
>> users ... of this bogus (and most
>> likely illegal) itunes app, can the list moderators consider filtering
>> these & perhaps sending a canned message back to the sender?
> I agree. Messages that are obviously referring to the "QuickOffice pro"
> app are off topic on this list. So I don't see anything back in rejecting
> them.
> Have to say I like Martin's answer. However another idea occurs to me.

Answer questions in the context of AOO if it is a question that can be
answered that way. If not say it appears to be a QuickOffice pro issue and
tell the questioner support must come from another source. With either
response point out the full support of this list is available if they use

My thinking is responding in this way might bring more people to AOO. In my
experience intricacies of computers and software, beyond the most
superficial level, are well beyond the understanding of the majority
computer users. (Many are unable even to recognize what browser they are
using.) Inviting people to AOO instead of sending them away for not using
it might be helpful to build the user base.


        I believe the proposed boilerplate that Andreas has offered is 
        something that would occur as part of moderation of inputs from 
        non-subscribers to the users @o.a.o list. 

        Moderators are not expected to actively respond.  The idea is 
        to accept or reject the non-subscriber submission.  An accepted 
        submission is then available for the community of active users 
        @o.a.o to respond to.  (This does not mean moderators don't 
        Provide assistance, it is just not in the job description.)

        If the messages are accepted to the list, their treatment is 
        going to be very uneven and not necessarily particularly friendly, 
        based on what I have observed on a few recent occasions.

        I suggest one modification to the boilerplate rejection message.  
        Something to the effect that one might find something useful on 
        the OpenOffice Forum, although any specific technical support 
        is the responsibility of the provider of "QuickOffice Pro."

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