Alan -

Thank you for the pointers to the malware cleaner and registry cleaner

Very valuable to tuck away in case of future need.

Thanks again.

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Alan B <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 5:59 PM, wjs <> wrote:
> > I have tried downloading Open Office three times and each time the setup
> > program seems to work well.  However, the program freezes about three
> > quarters of the way through the installation process.  This same problem
> > happens every time.  I am running windows 7.  Can you advise me what I
> need
> > to do to get it to work?
> >
> Don't know from the information you've provided but typical ways to prevent
> install problems would include:
> - first look in Control Panel to see if Windows thinks OpenOffice was
> installed. If it does try the uninstall
> then
> - use OpenOffice install only if downloaded from
> (you are redirected to but that's okay)
> - make sure Windows is clean and stable (no malware on system, registry
> doesn't have spurious entries)
>  -- Malwarebytes is great for cleaning malware from system,
>  -- CCleaner is great for cleaning kruft from registry,
> - make sure Windows is up to date (latest updates have been run)
> - if install still not successful make sure Antivirus is shut off and try
> install again BUT be sure to turn Antivirus back on when you're done!

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