Thank you for the links. I understood less than 5% of what I read.
Not sure if I gleamed this correctly or not; however, it seems WP and OO
are different platforms (?) so adding a reveal code feature would
require OO to be totally re-written.
Personally, I find reveal codes very helpful yet haven't learned how
style rules can provide help with these functions:
Example: when creating a document there might be a soft-return
making the document look correct on the screen / in print preview
but skewed when printed. In reveal codes, can find soft returns /
hard returns; soft change of page / hard change of page.
Example: double spacing between some words (my hand gets tired,
rests on the space bar ever now and then) is easier to find these
extra spaces via reveal codes.
Example: finding / editing text box is easier with reveal codes.
There can be more than one Text box in no particular order but
easily identified in reveal codes. Another plus, the identified
Text box can be edited in the reveal code window.
Bruce Byfield wrote:
By the way, the idea of a Reveal Codes feature goes way back - over a decade,
in fact:
And a discussion of the issues involved with implementing it:
Other discussion at LibreOffice: