On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Jim McLaughlin <jjim.mclaugh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What fascinates me is that other than the three defender's of OO > "orthodoxy" regarding "styles" ve. alternative methods, like a WP "reveal > codes" approach, the overwhelming majority of posters appear to desire the > WP/Corel "Reveal Codes" option to the very steep learning curve of the > "styles " approach. It is all a matter of where you want to spend your time. Those who prefer to spend it up front go with styles. Those who don't prefer embedded codes. Those who prefer embedded codes rarely realize just how much time they are wasting at the back end on every document, or how much time they could be saving overall by learning how to use, and then using styles. Of course, it is not exactly as simple as this. Personally, I learned of and how to use the style model back in 1987 when I learned LaTeX as that was the only way to drive the spiffy new DEC LN03 laser printer at my university. It was around that time when I replaced my Apple 2 with a 286 PC and quickly found WordPerfect absolutely horrid by comparison. To this day, I still prefer the semantic mark-up of LaTeX for text-based document. Sadly, as brutal as developing styles in TeX can be, developing styles in a GUI/WYSIWYG is really not all that much better -- at least from what I have seen from my casual investigation over the years. But another sad reality is that while anyone can put in the time and learn how to use styles, not everyone can learn how to produce an aesthetically pleasing design. That said, it then becomes clear that the proper workflow model is to have *one* person in an organization develop style sheets and then require everyone else to actually use them -- regardless of what software you are using. Sadly, this model seems to be rarely implemented. -p. ------------------------------------------- List Conduct Guidelines: http://openoffice.apache.org/list-conduct.html To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org