On 10/01/2014, users-digest-h...@openoffice.apache.org
<users-digest-h...@openoffice.apache.org> wrote:
>> jcish...@suddenlink.net wrote:
>> > To whom it may concern, My name is John, I have been using open
>> > office for some time now and fine it as good or better than
>> > windows office. I have a problem with  AOO, every time I send a
>> > resume to a potential employer, it always comes back.  What is the
>> > problem I am having ?  I always need to move to the laptop, where I
>> > have saved Word for this occasion and then send the document.
>> > Please tell me what the answer to this problem is.  I can not find
>> Jcishome;
>> Most employers in the United States want resumes in either Microsoft
>> Word or PDF format. If you are sending an Open Document Test (.odt)
>> file from OpenOffice Writer this is probably the problem. OpenOffice
>> can save in Word's .doc format or even better It can email your resume
>> as a .doc file but still save it in the default .odt format.

Whenever possible, you should take the opportunity to use the native
odt and not continue the proliferation of m$ formats.

In this simple case of a CV, the document can be sent in PDF using the
existing function of OO to create PDF files. If a editable version is
requested, the recipient will be able to see an odt file if and
odf-compliant software is used, such as the latest versions of
m$office; there is a comparison of differences between formats. See:

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