On Wed, 27 May 2015 23:24:01 +0200
Marco Guazzone <marco.guazz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
> > On 05/27/2015 01:48 PM, Marco Guazzone wrote:
> >>
> >> installs kernel debug stuff (kernel-debug-core,
> >> kernel-debug-modules,...). I have to remove them after
> >> installation.
> >
> >
> > Correction to the last message: I have some debug stuff installed
> > on my laptop because abrt has needed them.  There are no kernel
> > debug packages installed on my desktop, running Xfce and Compiz.
> >
> Hi all,
> For the kernel debug stuff, I think I've found the problem.
> If you look at the output of:
> $ dnf group info Xfce
> you'll see the package NetworkManager-l2tp
> Now, if you install this package, then you'll get the kernel debug
> stuff. That is:
> $ dnf install NetworkManager-l2tp
> Installing:
>  NetworkManager-l2tp                                       x86_64
>     fedora                                 95 k
>  kernel-debug-core                                         x86_64
>                           4.0.4-301.fc22
>     fedora                                 20 M
>  kernel-debug-modules                                      x86_64
>                           4.0.4-301.fc22
>     fedora                                 18 M
>  kernel-debug-modules-extra                                x86_64
>                           4.0.4-301.fc22
>     fedora                                2.3 M
>  libreswan                                                 x86_64
>                           3.12-1.fc22
>     fedora                                1.1 M
>  xl2tpd                                                    x86_64
>                           1.3.6-8.fc22
>     fedora                                140 k

This may be because you had the kernel-debug packages installed before
for some reason? 

If you 'dnf remove kernel-debug\*' does it also want to remove

> For the gnome-shell issue, I confirm I still use GDM (like I did in
> F21). From GDM I choose the XFCE session.
> This is branch of processes that are children of GDM:

Thats completely normal. gdm is basically a special gnome-shell
session. So, yes, it runs gnome-shell. This has nothing to do with
Xfce, it's just that gdm runs this way. 

If you don't want that, switch to lightdm. 

dnf install lightdm
systemctl enable lightdm --force


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