Tim wrote:
>> Thermal pad - heatsink compound, similar job.  I wouldn't expect
>> both to be present, and I'd expect trying both to be a problem
>> in itself.

> if one is good, both are better. ;-)

Not necessarily.

> pad and paste tim;
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermally_conductive_pad

You seem to come away from that page with different things than I

"As an alternative to thermal grease (sometimes called thermal transfer
material), AMD and Intel have included thermal pads on the bottom of
heatsinks shipped with some of their processors, as they are cleaner and
generally easier to install. However, thermal pads conduct heat less
effectively than a minimal amount of thermal grease."

Grease works better than a thermal pad.


> plus, see the 2 links shown under "References". good reading.

Regarding link 1:

It recommends one or the other, depending on the particular CPU.

Regarding link 2:

"promising start. Just 3°С higher compared to results with thermal
compound only. However, I could not make a screenshot of Linpack test
pass. The temperature sharply increased and went over 100° in seconds
which triggered CPU overheating function followed by an emergency PC
shut down."

"Later I realized that my feeling were right. I launched the system,
entered BIOS setup and went strait to monitoring section and… saw CPU
temperature reaching 95 ° C, 5 seconds after it, the computer shut down.
I checked the pressing, turned the pads on the other side — now the pink
side was facing the processor. I started the system and got similar
results. Test failed."

"... thick pads the temperature increased by 7°С"

Above, it talked about combined thermal pads and grease, or just just
thermal pads, alone.  Increasing temperature means that the CPU is not
being cooled properly (they're measuring the CPU temp, not the heatsink
dissipation temp).

tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp

Linux 3.19.5-100.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Mon Apr 20 20:28:39 UTC 2015 i686

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