On 05/25/2015 12:13 PM, jd1008 wrote:
> On 05/24/2015 10:22 PM, g wrote:
>> .
>> before replacing or installing newer cpu, do what has already
>> been mentioned.
>> clean away old thermal paste, apply fresh _white_ *high temp*
>> thermal paste.
>> _do_not_ use a clear paste. clear does not give needed transfer.
>> as for installing newer type cpu, contact AMD support. who would
>> know better? ;-)
>> to find out if cpu is causing problem, use this script;
>>     #!/bin/sh
>>     while true ; do
>>       sensors >> ~/00-check-sensors
>>       sleep 600 ## set sleep period to an interval of your choice.
>>     done
>> when system locks up again, open "00-check-sensors" to see history
>> for temps and fans.
>> years back, i had a 586 system locking up. running above script
>> showed memory fan was slowing down. replaced fan, problem ended.
> Good advice.

thank you.

> Will try it out.

forget that script. i thought i would expand script with a time stamp
so you can better relate to when things change.


#           fn = log-sensors  v. 2  r. 01
#         date = 2015-0525-1330
#       author = g e leem - copyleftist g e leem, gnu gpl applies.
#         path = /home/users/scripts/
#       usage:  build a log of sensor readings at 10 minute intervals
#               add a time stamp every hour
#       notes:  sleep 600 = 10 minutes delay
#               chk-sensors = 6 starts with value of 6 to
#               count down sleep periods of 10 minutes in
#               first loop
#               chk-sensors = 7 so that time stamp with have
#               correct value for next loop
#               start logging from a terminal with command
#                   log-sensors&
#               to run in background and free terminal


while true ; do

    sensors >> ~/00-check-sensors

    sleep 600 ## set sleep period to an interval of your choice.

    if $chksensors = 0 ; then

      date >> ~/00-check-sensors



    chksensors=$chksensors - 1



now, if you are aware of time you are doing whatever, you will be
able to relate to when.

i have been running script to see how it is tracking and i see
changing in cpu and board temps and fans speeds. nothing drastic,
but interesting to see. :-)

> Thanx.

most welc. ;-)

if you have not refreshed thermal paste yet, as a bit of curiosity,
run script before and after to also see if there is a change.


peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6



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