On 05/27/15 07:02, David Cary Hart wrote:
> You cannot close T-Bird to the tray and there are password issues with Google 
> contacts. There is no problem with ktorrent - only the absence of the widget. 
> I found a rather ugly Yahoo weather widget. Mil notification doesn't seem to 
> work nor, for that matter, all of my custom key sequences that I use for raw 
> HTML. I tried to reprogram a couple of them and it no longer works.

Rex answered your question regarding T-Bird.

Oh, widgets.  I supposed there is a lag in getting those updated to Plasma 5.  
I generally don't use widgets.  I normally use "Folder View" as my layout and 
have desktop icons.  I will miss having the ability to place icons in the 
systray.  At the moment, "Folder View" doesn't support different 
widgets/wallpaper on Virtual Desktops.

You may want to post your key sequences issues to the KDE list and detail the 
> I'm a schmuck. I have a 2TB USB-3 drive and could have backed up my system 
> first - I didn't. I mean update after update has been uneventful. 

Well, IMO, the update from KDE3 to KDE4 was "eventful" in much the same way.

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