On 05/19/2015 07:20 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 19/05/15 19:08, g wrote:
> Yes, the keyboard works, but not in an x-terminal.


> I just used it to yum install nfs-utils and now I can mount the an
> NFS server at last!
>> can you use mouse to move around a blinking cursor block in
>> terminal?
> .
> Dunno 'cause I can't open a terminal. Again when "X" starts the
> keyboard stops working.

also understood. i was not meaning a virtual console while in "X".
i am asking about console terminal. ie, init levels 1, 2, 3. no
init 5 and no startx.

when "X" is run, some mice may require that _gpm_ is running so
that mouse will work in console terminal. not all mice may need
gpm. my logitech thumbmarble does.

"man gpm" for more info.

>> if not, reboot with a different mouse to see what happens.
> .
> I'll dig out an old mouse, but I don't think it will make any
> difference.

is a good thought, but depends on os being able to read a logitech
mouse. some can, some can not without gpm.

what i am looking for is to see if for some reason the logitech
mouse is interfering with keyboard.

also, is there anything special about keyboard?

> And I found where I put the box, in the cabinet where I put such
> things. It is a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 1GB.


before sending, i decided to boot to level 2 to try a few things
and refresh my chemo brain.

i logged in as user, move thumb marble ball, cursor block moved
around on screen.

next, "sudo gpm -k" to kill gpm, moved marble ball, no cursor block

therefore, i conclude that _gpm_ must be running for mouse to work
in level 3 console terminal.

oops. failed to check what happens running "X".

back in a few. ;-)

ok, repeated above, same results. not that they would change. ;-)

next, "sudo startx kde". desktop manager appeared, so did mouse
pointer and it moved when i move marble ball.

in a virtual terminal, mouse moves and highlights. when i open a
console terminal, no mouse movement.

need for mouse movement is so that 'drag and paste" will work
with console terminal.

 gpm require for mouse movement in non "X" terminal. mouse works
 in kde without gpm active.

what or how all this relates to you problems, not sure, but you
at least know what happens on 1 user's system. :-)

something strange that i am noticing, keyboard indicator for
"Num Lock" goes out and "Scroll Lock" indicator keeps going
on an off.

i will reboot again without level 3 to see if problem goes

in a few...

back again.

"Num Lock" indicator is staying on, "Scroll Lock" indicator is
not lighting. Purnelle syndrome. ;-)

i imagine you have retired for the evening. will look for you and
your 'coffee report' in am.

sleep well. happy dreams. :-)


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6



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