On 19/05/15 18:38, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 05/19/2015 03:30 PM, g wrote:
  1- are you using a kvm switch to switch keyboard and
     marble between your boxen?
     if so, connect direct to rpi2.

An excellent suggestion. Remember Pournelle's Law: When in doubt, check the cables first.
No, I'm not doing any of those things. Remember, as I said the keyboard works as expected until I start the graphic display with "startxfce4."

Via ssh it looks like any other fedora 21 system, does everything I ask it too. I own no kvm, my desk is cluttered with keyboards as a result ...

The LAN connection is RJ45.

The rpi2b+ or whatever they call it, I can't find the box it came in right now, but it has a different processor than the earlier ones and Pidora does not run on it.


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-22b/64bit LINUX XFCE

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