On 05/03/2015 04:13 PM, Frantisek Hanzlik wrote:
Gordon Messmer wrote:

SysV init scripts are here for ages

They were large, inconsistent, and burdensome to maintain. The people who maintained them decided that there was a better option.

If you are willing to maintain them, then you can do the work to provide an alternate init system.

If you're not doing the work, then at some point you have to trust that the people who are doing the work know better than you do.

We have lot of alternatives in Linux system (several desktop WMs etc)
already, alternative init is in this case (IMO) just small piece of all
system SW.

init is a small piece of code, yes. But it's not just code, it's an interface. Lots of programs interface with systemd. If you want an alternative, you have to address all of those dependencies.

To me, your interest in an alternative appears to be evidence that you lack familiarity with the scope of the work.

Although I understand that there are features which are interesting for
some Linux users, they are not too important to me.

GNU/Linux systems *can* be tailored to individual needs. That's one of the great things about them. However, no specific distribution can be all things to all people. If you are interested in a GNU/Linux system that contains exactly the components you like, maybe try Linux From Scratch.

Seriously. The education that it provides will improve your input and contributions.

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