ma., 04.05.2015 kl. 01.48 +0200, skrev Frantisek Hanzlik: > > Hmm, I guess You want advice me, to bought some strictly limited > (maybe > commercial) OS - and then shut up and be satisfied with I have. But > this > fortunately is not Linux case...
That was not what I wrote at all. I gave reasons why a distro does not want to support multiple init systems as it becomes a big burden on package maintainers. If you really want a fedora with another init system you need to look at making a respin. That respin needs to provide init files for all packages that now use unit files. I still remember back when people thought sysvinit was wasteful on resources, overly complex and not the unix way compared to the single rc.local script... > Regarding cgroups/btrfs/selinux - they may be used independently of > systemd. And although I think SELinux is good thing and I use it > (regardless of systemd), things as cgroups and btrfs I never needed > (regardless of systemd). And I not want to 'play' with, I want to > foolproof system - and in my experience, systemd does not fall with > (after 4+ years of 'playing'). > You mentioned yourself that one of your reasons was a need to run multiple versions of services like sshd. one sshd for users, one for admin. How about making the one for admin run off its own read-only btrfs volume, wrapped up in cgroups and selinux? No access to the full file system at all. Only the parts relevant to sshd are present. And the only way to add new ssh keys, set passwords or whatever is from the host system. A sshd container that isn't exploitable in any way. It can only be used to initiate a new ssh into some internal system. I did that as my first ever venture into new functionality in systemd service files. It took me a few hours, documentation was good, and it worked! With even debian and ubuntu switching to systemd you have to dismiss the red hat conspiracy theories. systemd is actually a good thing in this time of container-based thinking. I do have my reservations about some of the current container implementations (like docker), but the basic principles are sound for any server. And we have to acknowledge that linux is a server OS. Systemd lets me containerize any service without setting up the whole framework for such services. I can haz full control! -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: