On Thu, 2015-03-26 at 14:29 +1030, Tim wrote:
> Any package that needs a restart (whether that be an update of the
> thing itself, or an update of a library for a package that will
> require the thing to be restarted) can have a flag in its RPM that
> lets the system know.  We already have that feature, don't we?  Put
> the onus on the package maintainers to determine if a restart is
> needed, and pour scorn on those who stupidly just enable it when it's
> not needed.

needs-restarting already detects automatically when a running process is
using an obsoleted component, except for the kernel, and since most
people keep at least 2 or 3 kernels around, you can usually (always?)
put off rebooting a new kernel until you're ready.

What would be genuinely useful would be a tool to tell you how to get to
a clean system with minimum fuss, e.g. one of:

* restart the following user processes: a b c ...
* log out and in again
* reboot the system

You could even wrap it in a GUI to keep the CLI-challenged happy.


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