Hello Richards,

Quite interesting to actually talk to someone who actually has his hands
dirty and can talk about this issue :)

I remember reading a Lennart's post on his blog about a future when
packages will be installing in their own spaces and all of this managed
by systemd. Now my question (may be an innocent one, I'm full aware
of that) is:
Why a core technology piece like the kernel can be patched in place
(and I hope we see this awesome feature implemented in the neigh time)
but on the contrary there is so much trouble when trying to upgrade other
'simpler' (if you allow me) pieces of software?
Damn, I believe that even systemd is designed in a way it can be
hot-upgraded too without the need of rebooting the system...

Thanks for your time.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Richard Hughes <hughsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 25 March 2015 at 04:22, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> > Jeez, but that sounds such a crap encumbrance.  Even just a log out and
> > log back in again is a severe nuisance.  It's beginning to sound a lot
> > like Windows; built for morons, by morons.
> Michael is right. Updating online works 99.8% of the time. The 0.1%
> time it will corrupt random bits of your file-system, and 0.1% of the
> time it will leave you vulnerable to the security issue you thought
> you just "fixed". The only way to fix this so that online updates are
> safe is to redesign the centralised shared package model we use for
> distributing applications. The workaround is to use offline updates.
> This moron has spent about 10 years working on the issue.
> Richard
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